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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sepia Silence

I tried to write a blog but all I found was rain and silence. I drew the silence unto myself, snuggling in for a mind-numbing cuddle. Silence initially manifests in black and white, like an old photo whispering sepia secrets, slowly mingling with my mind and stirring up color—stringing dreams across my soul like a gypsy clothesline.

When I close my eyes I can see eternity, the lofty things with no boundaries or limitations—my playground, my meditation hall, my burial ground. It’s such an unassuming place; who’d a thought that eternity resided on the other side of my eyelids.

I glide with the silence like a bird circling above in wide solo spirals, a hunger driven waltz on the day’s warm breath, posing on the tips of boney branches, puncturing the heavens, and pointing the way.

I wonder if silence is the same for everyone?

I fidget on my red futon, a Claymation character chained to the earth by my ankles with no place to go but down—six more feet perhaps, until I get my wings.

It’s still raining.

The clouds are always brooding over something.


stephen Hayes said...

You are really an amazing writer, conjuring images with words that an artist would struggle to paint. I've read this several times and it only gets better and better.

Irene said...

Your words are so beautiful, as usual, Leah. It's amazing when you said that you "tried" to write a blog post and yet you were able to come up with a post this beautiful.

Silence is sometimes my muse. It is the time when a lot of creative ideas come into my mind. <3 :-)

Martha Jane Orlando said...

"I drew the silence unto myself, snuggling in for a mind-numbing cuddle."
How this so describes the delight of my quiet minutes/hours, when I am still and God can speak to my heart,with me not being distracted by the mundane interruptions of daily life. The silence speaks volumes, and I/we/you are renewed!
I stand, as always, in awe of your writing, Leah. Inspirational always, and always, it seems, when I need it.
Blessings and love, dear friend!

Debra said...

And just look Leah, look what the silence has produced. Look at the amazing fruit of silence seen in these words. When silence interrupts our plans to write blog posts - or anything for that matter - rejoice! The muse is calling your name.

I haven’t read your book yet. A friend has it and is reading it first. I just peeked at the beginning paragraph amd saw the brown eyes. Like another friend’s book I ordered, I’ve put the good stuff on hold until I can finish this other book I’m slowly but surely enduring. I hate to even tell you the name of the book, but this friend had given it to me weeks ago. God, is it hard to get through. Looking forward to her finishing your book so she can give it back. That’s why I haven’t commented on Cosette’s Tribe yet. Oh well, delaying immediate gratification never hurt anyone ;-)

Meanwhile, I’m enjoying the poetry of your words here in Sepia Silence. And the song by Simon & Garfunkel has always been a favorite of mine with its haunting melody and lyrics.

sulekkha said...

Leah, Your words are pure poetry and everything you write stirs something in our souls. Loved reading this beautiful post.

Jayne said...

Ain't it funny how we get to go up and get our wings only after we go down? I don't know, I think there are a few angels here on earth, earning their wings in the here and now, even getting the chance to take them for a test flight. Those angels write about black and white silence, sepia secrets and gypsy clotheslines. (I think a few garments of mine might have hung there.)

You point the way so beautifully, Leah. ;)

Lazy Pineapple said...

you write so beautifully...your words are magical and conjure the images in my head...

Ms. Faustus said...

Silence is invaluable to me. It is my meditative counterpart to listening to music, and I need both to get me through the day.

The last time I heard someone talk about eternity was when one of those Top Gear guys got in one of those airplanes that go 20 kilometers up in the air to the border between the Earth's atmosphere and outer space. He found the experience so overwhelming that he kept repeating how it felt like he was looking into eternity. And here you are, sitting on your futon, merely closing your eyes and writing what is, for me, possibly your most captivating post so far. That is the invaluable beauty of writers, I guess :) mediating insight, rubbing elbows with the shamans and scientists out there, depending on what route to knowledge one prefers. Thank you.

Leah Griffith said...

Thank you Stephen—I love playing with words.

Leah Griffith said...

Irene, I know you have a deep appreciation of silence, pulling away from the noise to enjoy that quiet place. Thank you for your visit and your thoughtful comment!

Leah Griffith said...

Martha, it seems we take turns lifting on another out of the shadows. I'm so glad we have this.
Sending love and an extra hug.

Leah Griffith said...

Debra, when you do read Cosette's Tribe it will be the right time. Timing is so amazing, lining up serendipitous meetings and happenings without our knowledge or consent. It's enough to make me believe in magic;)
Thank you for your heartfelt comment girl. As always!

Leah Griffith said...

Sulekkha, you my dear are a sweet and rich soul, spreading your love all around. Thank you for your words here today, and your tweet! And also for supporting my words Sulekkha, it's a lovely gift to me.

Leah Griffith said...

Jayne, you crack me up. Yes, your Gypsy skirts were taking up half the lines! Thanks;)

Oh, and my trip to MA is a bit iffy—I believe it will be pushed back to autumn. I will keep you updated. Last year you had to fight snow in October to meet with me, which btw really touched my heart. I'm hoping that this year it will be sunshine all the way.

Leah Griffith said...

Lazy Pineapple, thank you so much for your sweet comment. That was really nice;)

Leah Griffith said...

Chris, I miss you so much I could pop! LOL! Thank you for being here with me. Shamans all the way;)


JANU said...

You have a way with words Leah...beautiful images, wonderful comparisons. Rain has this effect on me...totally soothing and peaceful.

Melissa Tandoc said...

You always have something beautiful in store for those who read and need inspiration when things get kind of dry...

I love how you defined silence in your own terms... it just has to be..

I was just reading a reflection on it and it could come in different forms ~ like indifference, fear... and yet when we allow it to intermingle with us... it becomes God's soft voice and pervading presence and not an absence of sound :*

Love you lots Leah :*

Manisha Bhatia said...

Rain Silence..or as a matter of fact anything has different meaning n reflections for everyone. Rain to me is magic....I can spend hours just watching or lying benath my eyes closed...silence to me is peace ..I yearn for it...n wen i get ...I close my eyes...I m with me...

These few lines...are so deep Leah..Love XXX!!

Tameka said...

Awesome images created by talent, crafted with passion and shared generously with love. Thanks Leah! You're too good to us! :-)

Leah Griffith said...

Thank you Janu. Actually I have a friend who prefers the rain and gloom. It puts her in a very comfortable place. Today was so hot I would have loved a cloud covering. Florida doesn't have many rainy days;)

Leah Griffith said...

Melissa, that is so true. Sometimes we fight the silence like it's an enemy or intruder, but I find that silence always has something interesting to say.
Love to you too sweet lady!

Leah Griffith said...

Mani, I love how you put it. Silence is a part of us. It is deep within waiting to be discovered. Sweet silence is so misunderstood.

Leah Griffith said...

Thank you my lovely Tameka! You never cease to amaze me <3

Debbie Maxwell Allen said...

I love silence. It seems like it's different every time.


Brooke said...

If I could, and you agreed, I would seriously hire you as my interpreter of reality. I'd keep you by my side and point to something, and then wait for you to describe it to me, so that I could experience it multi-dimensionally. I'd close my eyes, and hold my hands to my heart, and just experience it, with no words, but with everything else. Thank you, Leah.

The Poet said...

My dear Leah,
Silence is so important in our lives. I guess it only shows we were created to enjoy different kind of moods. I enjoy silence best when I can write poetry for your beautiful eyes to read (smile). Thanks for sharing my friend.

Leah Griffith said...

I agree Debbie. Sometimes is so loud it hurts my ears.

Leah Griffith said...

Brooke, you're such a sweetheart. I must warn you, I have a dark side too which might be a bit much for you...nightmares, anxiety attacks! LOL!!

Thank you Brooke!

Leah Griffith said...

Andy, these beautiful eyes do love reading your poems. silent, and write another;)

Ron said...

Quite stirring. Beautiful and visual in very profound way.

Leah Griffith said...

Thank you Ron. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Rimly said...

Oooh I missed reading your post Leah. You are so talented and your imagery really conjure up so many thoughts in my mind.

Elen Lackner-Poemas de amor. - Piano said...

Leah : great biographie I liked what you wrote, also what you write in your page. I´ll comeback .Thank you about your visiting. Kiss.Elen

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