I’ve just had an amazing week with my friend Holly. We bodysurfed until we were bruised, combed miles of blonde beaches, ate at rustic waterfront cafes, and spent hours chatting out on the lanai. I didn’t realize how much I needed this time of rejuvenation until after she had left. That’s when I felt the residue of peace lingering like a fine mist floating in the air, setting free my breath, and opening up my mind.
I feel recharged and excited, now being able to enjoy the multitude of steps waiting to be climbed. I see them before me like a stairway spiraling upward—pinpricking through the clouds. I laugh at the great climb ahead, knowing full well that I will get there—in time.
What to do? What to do? My desk and wall are cluttered with scribbled scraps, folders, and odd mementos purposefully collected to inspire me. I moved my desk into the master bedroom in order to make room for, Jesse & Jesse, my two dear friends who had been staying with us now for a while. They departed this morning, driving northward, intent on a new journey, thus creating a vacancy in my heart—and my spare bedroom; so, today I shall transfer my office back to the spacious quietness of the guest suite so that I can spread out and plan…
It’s a small transition, but transitions and changes tend to create a rhythm of their own, beating in time with the monotonous, building momentum. One can never tell which action is important until afterwards, for each holds within itself a fan of repercussions, creating an endless wave of activities slapping against the lives of many…perhaps all.
So, what to do?
I received my proofs for Cosette’s Tribe this week, which is proof that I actually wrote a book; so, now that I have this wonderful novel I can see that there is much more work to do in order to nurture and care for it properly. It’s not so different than having a baby. When you’re in the hospital surrounded by smiles, balloons and family, the duties of motherhood seem somewhat distant and romantic, but once you’re at home with your pint-sized soul mate, all wiggly and pink—and demanding—you find your tears flowing along with the colicky lullaby of your infant’s cries; this is when motherhood arrests you, and you find that your life has been changed forever. Such is the life of a writer turned author.

As I write this blog my book sits silently beside me, literary twins—a paperback, and hardcover. Inanimate objects that can only be brought to life by the imagination of a hungry reader, someone to invite Cosette in where she can freely whisper her guarded secrets and dizzying dreams, finding a sure friend and confidant to join her on her journey.
There is no turning back or changing my mind. I, like a parent, have created a life and now I am responsible for that life. The paper versions of my novel are complete and as close to perfect as we could get them. Now comes the challenge of formatting an e-book, which is proving to be enormously frustrating, what with the way the files like to misbehave. Right now we’re stuck, but I’m praying for the angels to send me a MOBI miracle.

My newest task is to promote Cosette’s Tribe. It makes me a little nervous—this marketing thing. Actually I feel fearful and brave all at the same time. I guess I’ll just have to dive in and get it done the same way I wrote the book and published it…feeling a bit inadequate. Everything is new. Everything is waiting. Everything must be done and inadequacies must be defied. I’ve come to the conclusion that fear can be a great motivator and that anything worth doing is usually accomplished while afraid.
Thanks Marie. I never thought of myself as brave because I felt compelled to do the things I've done. But now I see that bravery is there too and without it nothing gets done.
You should be able to request my book at your local library within the next month. The new catalogs will have Cosette's Tribe listed!
So exciting, Leah and scary too...But you've come so far and I admire you for that. Marketing? That's a breeze...That's what you've got to believe!
Corinne, you never sieze to amaze me with your positive energy and words. A breeze! I love it! Thank you sweet sister.
You've come a long way and there is no stopping. Wishing you all the wisdom and strength you need for the tango :)
I love that you put it up on the shelf--awesome!
Such an accomplishment to get your novel, your baby, this far. Whatever happens from this point on is icing on the cake. Congratulations.
Your book looks like a seafood dinner! Can't wait to devour. I know you are anxious, but you are to be celebrated! You did it mama! I am in awe and wanting to see my book in the same place as yours. Mine is still a Word file and a pile of papers, but I long to be in book form like you. You inspire me! Yay! So happy for you! :-)
Within a few months, I'll be dancing your tango, Leah. :) I am so proud of and happy for you!
And, facing what we fear and working through it is definitely one way for us to grow and change for the better.
Hoping angels grab hold of that e-book! :)
Blessings to you always, my friend!
It all sounds so exciting and adventurous, at the same time :) Sounds like you are going to be staying quite busy for the next couple of months. Good luck with all of it! and psssttt...love the look of the book on the shelf :)
Dear Leah,
You have come so far already. I am very proud of you. Your book looks GREAT up there on the shelf...what a sight to behold! As for the marketing...that's where your friends right here in cyberspace come in handy...plugging it on our Facebook, G+, Twitter and any other network means available...everybody loves the sexy tango! (smile). Keep courage Leah & I wish you all the very best.
Jewels Of Darkness
You go girl.....I love the look of your new book....How exciting.. keep going... As always...XOXOXOXO
I think you are very brave to be doing any/all of this. The book looks beautiful and I have every confidence that you will do whatever it takes to get it launched and you will do it well.
Wonderfully exciting for you...Yes you are very brave...<3<3<3
Wow..this is so exciting! I'd love to read your book. I love the artwork you chose for the cover! Do you have a fb page for your book? Let me know and I'll share the link!
How fun to hold your book in your hand! Congratulations!
Ohh..I am so jealous of you..I am still not done with my e books..
Luchi, thank you! I'm sticking a rose between my teeth;)
Karen, I couldn't resist, although I was a little worried that the manager might give me the boot! LOL!
Stephen, you are right. I would however love for people to read it...lots of people;)
Thanks Tameka! Yours will find its way to print. I have another started, so the wheels are spinning again. It will never ever end! LOL!!
Thank you Martha. I'm excited for you! It's a bit daunting but the rewards totally out weigh the sacrifices made. Thanks for dispatching the angels...I need them;)
Aw, thanks Mary! I appreciate your sweet words. I think my book looks right at home up there on that shelf! LOL!
Thank you Andy! Yes, we have a great tribe right here online. I love the support we provide for each other...and the sexy tango! *grin
Thanks Bongo. I have a very dear friend who is a master artist and he designed the cover for me. I absolutely love it!
Cheryl, I had no idea what was involved in self-publishing a book and had I known this years ago it might have discouraged me. Might. Although Cosette's Tribe would have insisted on being born anyway;) Thank you for your support Cheryl. It means so much to me.
Thanks Jan! I don't feel so brave sometimes. LOL!!
Thank you Jessica. Yes I have a FB page, although I haven't shared it much. I need to get on the stick don't I. LOL!! Thanks for your encouragement my dear. You are a light in a dark world Ms. Jessica!
Yes Debbie, my book feels solid and real, and it looks lovely! I'm in pinch me mode! LOL!
Alfandi, the e-books seem more daunting than the paper books. Those files don't behave nicely! LOL!!
Janaki said: You have come so far with your diligence and will continue to do so. You are a wonderful writer and here's wishing you all the best.
Leah: Janaki, your post mysteriously disappeared so I am posting it myself. Thank you for your loving support. It means the world to me <3
LOL, Leah! You crack me up. I love, love that you placed your book, your baby on the shelves of a bookstore. She looks so at home there. I had this vision that you left her and that she was picked up, as an orphan, into a loving and proud family that couldn't stop singing her praise! She, of course, became well known not only for her story, but for her magnificent heart and soul.
You are a fantastic mother, Leah. I'm so looking forward to sharing my home with your babe. Soon, soon! You are a fantastic mother, Leah. :)
(So happy for you, too, that you got to relax and rejuvenate with your friend. Those are precious moments, indeed.)
I enjoyed the way you made the comparison between where you are at with your book and being in the hospital with balloons and your new baby. I found the image of "...that is when motherhood arrests you..." to be very poignant.
I wish you the best in nurturing your book baby into the Life it deserves.
Thanks for sharing the journey Leah. It inspires mine.
Congratulations Leah! WOW! I'm so proud of you :) There's so much happiness and light in this page this day.
You are inspiration to everybody. YEY!
Yes Jayne, I couldn't resist giving her a boost onto the top shelf;) Things continue to move forward and soon I will be able to spend my attentions on other projects. I have learned so much this past year. So much...
Authentic, I'm thrilled that my musings and thrashing about has inspired you! Sometimes I feel so self-centered with all this book talk and worry, but I can't move away from it on the blog. I can only write from what is happening on the inside of my heart and not my head. Thanks for your encouragement.
Thank you sweet Melissa! You're presence inspires me.
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