This was the first day in a while that I didn’t feel like I was chasing my arse to catch up with my face. Did that even make any sense? LOL!! Okay, you can see by my carefree verbiage that I’m feeling pretty liberated. It’s as though I’m coming out of a tunnel, or off a long plane ride—no! Plane rides are usually fun because they drop me off in exotic places, so I can’t use that one. Okay, it feels like I’ve been in book boot camp and I have finally received my first leave of absence. I know I have to go back, but for now I’m feeling pretty damn free.
Life is good. The sun is shining, I’m picking up Holly at the airport so she and I can eat too much, get too much sun, and talk too much for the next week. Holly’s one of those people who really knows how to enjoy life. She can make eating sardines on a saltine seem like caviar on buttered toast; she just has her own special way of turning up the volume of the remarkable on an ordinary day. For example, I’ll be drinking a cup of black coffee, and then Holly adds a splash of her special stash of exotic coffee creamer to it, turning my once boring brew into a friggen Mardi Gras! Afterwards I discover the empty creamer container in the trash and notice that it was the Wal-Mart brand creamer on sale for .99. Yeah, it was remarkable because it had the Holly factor!
I think I needed a Holly visit right now, what with things going way slower than I had hoped with the book launch (2-8 weeks for the paper/hard editions) and I’m still working, or I should say my designer guru god guy is still working on the cover and files for the e-book. He’s another one who brings tons of magic and wonder to my life with his eye for beauty and his never-ending list of skills. Actually we’re pretty close (we’ve been friends for over 40 years) and I think we’re related. Not biologically, but on a higher level than humanness, because we not only share a brain and a heart, but sometimes I think we share a soul too (is that even possible?). We’re like twins separated by distance but cosmically connected by the universe...and his vintage telephone.

So, today I am preparing for a sort of mini vacation from book Ville, although I know the launch will still be lurking behind each froo-froo drink that I order, and chocolate dainty that I devour, but that can’t be helped any more than writing in my head can be controlled.
This week, even though I’m as broke as a wino on Sunday morning, I intend to be a spring-fling Florida partying chica, seeking out the three-B’s—beauty, beaches, and bargains—with Holly and her fairykins magic! Thank you life!!

I always enjoy reading your stuff...always full of optimism. Even with all the crap in the world you always sound joyful. I love that!!!!
Have a great mini-vacation. Wish we could all get our hands on some Holly factor.
Thanks so much Cheryl! Yes, joyful seems to always rise to the top. Sometimes it takes me a while to get there...but eventually I do;)
I wish I could bottle and sell the Holly Factor, I'd be decked out in dollars!
Have a wonderful week!....I'll get in line for a bottle of that Holly Factor!
Very nice I cant wait to see your book
Thanks Nick! I'm in the final stretch. Time seems to stand still the closer I get. LOL!! I think your mom would have liked it...and my mom too;)
Kathy, I'm having a blast and willing to share if you can get down here;)
Life is supposed to fun...so keep having fun Leah...and plenty of it! Chilling out for a bit is one of the most productive things we can do...it gives us a chance to get our energy aligned once more. So enjoy with abandon! ❤
You are so right Bec! Getting my energy aligned...sounds like the perfect prescription. I've got a lot of things cooking right now so an energy alignment is just what the doctor ordered!
Deserting Bookville for the Sunshine state, uh? Well, welcome! And enjoy!
Glad you are feeling free and having fun! We all need carefree moments of laughter with those we love. May you have a wonderful week!
JP, I've been living in Florida for six years and I love how a vacation is always waiting just outside my door. I'm assuming you're in Florida too? Are we neighbors? I'm in Port Charlotte.
Thank you Jessica. I can't wait to get my hands on the proofs of my novel. I'm hoping by Thursday!!! WOOHOO!!
Have the time of your life, Leah! You certainly deserve a break from all your hard work. And, isn't it grand to have such a friend as Holly?
Blessings to you and have a glorious vacation!
I loved the way you have described everything here. I was about to ask you how you were but I already saw this posted this morning.
Che dolce vita!
Eat sun, conversation and the three Bs at the beach. Sounds perfect, Leah! So glad for you that you're getting a chance to relax, dine and unwind with a good friend. Such joy and excitement in this post. It's contagious--I'm feeling pretty groovy myself, right now!
Have a marvelous week! :D
That's what taking a break is for...cutting up the crazy of life for the pieces of ecstasy and joy so easily missed (even the $.99 creamer) when we are in the midst of frantic.
I am in the process of waiting for a book to finish layout to publish as well.
Enjoy your chillin' It sounds like a much needed good time!
Dear Leah,
Glad you're taking a break. Sometimes we just need to throw all caution to the wind & live!
Nice song choice. Have a wonderful week ahead!
Enjoyed reading your post. Thanks for sharing.
Your enthusiasm is contagious....happy for you.
Enjoy every single moment of your break, Leah :)
It's so great to get away and spend time with that 'special' friend. Enjoy those moments in time. They truly are amazing!
Enjoy your time away.
Everyone needs a 'Holly' in their life. Mine is named Lois. Enjoy!
This post makes me feel like dancing and drinking froo-froo drinks and getting too much sun! Can I come along on your date with Holly? This sounds like just what I need! Woohoo! I'm so happy you get to enjoy such a lovely weekend.
Leah, I adore you. I really love you. Every time you stop by my blog and leave your words, my heart opens wide, you help un-tweak my sometimes tweaked perspective. And it just means so damn much.
You have such a way, with words, with your heart.
I'm am thrilled for this book of yours that will soon be a gift I can hold in my hands.
Thank you for being beautiful, just right you.
Leah! You deserve to not chase your own arse for a while. Being at the beach is a true blessing. There is healing in them thar waves! I hope you enjoyed your time with your friend. She sounds amazing. We all could use a Holly in our lives. So looking forward to your book girlie. Cheers! Happy Easter! :-)
Ohh, those magical people! You and I have discussed how I see people who have the cleaning/organizing gene as magical beings. I live in awe of their ability to keep things tidy on a daily basis, and I know I will never be one of them. One of my girlfriends sits in equal awe at my ability with cosmetics and styling hair as I make myself up each day. To me, that's just a routine thing that I enjoy doing; to her, it's this mysterious, magical talent that she can never quite get the hang of.
This is what makes life a pure joy, recognizing how uniquely magical each of us are. Enjoy your moment out of time with your magical Holly! :)
- Dawn
Live it up, Girlfriend! That's what life is for! I wish I was there, too!!! XOXOXOXO
Martha, it was splendid and went by much too quickly. Back to work now!!
Melissa, I really did enjoy myself. I will be feeding off this visit for a while. Sending rejuvenated hugs to you girl!
Thank you dear Jayne! The week was sensational, seashells, long chats, and tiramisu;) Now back to work...taking baby steps within my giant steps;)
Ooo Kathy!! I'm so excited for you! Tell more about your book. I just got my proofs in and my novel looks lovely!
Is this your first book too? Tell me more!
Andy, thanks for stopping by. I did enjoy myself and tossed caution and a few other things to the wind. LOL!!
Hi Janaki, I'm glad that my enthusiasm is contagious. Did you do something about it? LOL!!
Indeed I am sweet Luchi! It really was a good break. The weather was perfect and I was able to fight off the voice in my head that was trying to tempt me to fret about all the things I had to do. I'm ready for work again;) Thanks for stopping by Luchi!
Thank you sweet Mary! I had a blast;)
Saviragupta thank you! I did enjoy it completely <3
Thanks Debbie! It was perfect. I feel bad for people who don't have a Holly or a Lois, in their lives. Makes me appreciate my friendships more.
Julia, I wish you could have come. It really was perfect. I believe this visit with Holly will provide me with calm and spiritual nourishment for the busy weeks ahead.
Julia, I love you too honey. Your words do the very same thing for me. It's a spiritual thing that I couldn't even begin to describe, I only know that I'm grateful that you are here—in my life. Sometimes I wonder about what goes on on the other side. Do you suppose we have the same guardian angels? LOL!!
The book is coming soon. I'll let you know. <3
Tameka, I believe that there is healing in the waves. Holly coaxed me into the surf, body surfing no less! I hadn't done that in years. It was marvelous! Now it's time to get back to work isn't it. LOL!! <3 XO
Dawnie! Yes! Magical;) I love the differences in all of us. They make us stretch and grow. Don't feel bad about being disorganized because you have all the info in your head. LOL!! I'm a bit scattered too and I have to work really hard to keep things in order. We will NEVER be like "them" but luckily we don't need to be;)
Sending love,
Linda, you would have had a blast! Time went by so quickly though. How is that? When things are boring time creeps by, but add some fun into the mix and ZIP! the day is gone;)
Back to work for me but I'm very refreshed!
Leah as always enjoyed reading this. I needed a reminder today to again appreciate what I have and enjoy life and stop running after my arse!!!! Ha,Ha,ha. Thank you my friend
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