As I walk, my path narrows, pinpointing my destination—a lofty target with margins that vanish into infinity. I wonder as I tread; what does this path hold for me? For if life is indeed a journey, and this trail is to get me there, you’d think I would be more certain about outcomes.
I’ve traveled many a road and found that up usually leads to down—and down to up. The climax becomes the foreplay, offering intimacies and secrets for new adventures, never really arriving at all, but rather continuing….
The mountaintop provides an intoxicating view from kingdom heights, allowing me to assess the topography of the landscape—map out the many mountains and valleys ahead that must be crossed.
Initially the mountaintop experience is euphoric—I want to stay there forever, but such high altitudes are incapable of sustaining life for any meaningful length of time, besides, the real rewards lie within the shadowy forests of the valley, where the rainbow’s colors bleed into the earth, burying the gold just below the surface, concealing it from thieves who pass by, their eager eyes always looking ahead, their hands too lazy to dig.
I walk circumspectly, aware of the indigenous plants—staying clear of the low-lying poisons with their showy blooms, instead turning my desires toward the simple fruits found high within the woodland’s emerald canopy, reclining on elevated boughs as I eat my meals in mottled sunlight.
This isn’t my first expedition, and I doubt it will be my last, but all along I’ve had to fight the urge to ask, “Are we there yet?”
"The climax becomes the foreplay" :D
That makes me say both "been there" and "but isn't that the best sometimes?"
In other news, I wanted to inform you that I am moving my blog to a new address, I won't kill the old one, I just won't be writing there anymore. I look forward to hanging out with you there! ;)
Have a beautiful day, dear Leah.
Ah yes Chris, it is the best sometimes.
I just got back from your new site. I left my fingerprints there;)
I'm excited about your writing Chris. There is so much for you to say and you say it so well.
Enjoy your trip. Are you there yet?
I need to get out more and take walks. You've inspired me.
Hell, I've inspired myself. I'm going for a walk...
Thanks for the comment Stephen;)
I think it is a wonderful thing we don't know where the trail leads. Not that I believe in fortune tellers but if such a person exists, I don't want to know what is next. Let it be a surprise.
A very interesting take on life and the ups and downs we face.
"Are we there yet?" sounds more like my little nieces asking if we've reached our destination as we choose to walk slowly and allow each experience to sink deep...
How beautiful you've described the path...where it leads, well, God knows...
I love your realizations ~ they are so profound. There's so much more to learn from this life...
Wow..what beautiful reflections...I love your writing style. Wonderful post!
Cheryl, I agree. I would rather be surprised. I doubt we would have the patience or courage to walk through our days if we knew what was coming at us.
Thanks Lazy P!
Melissa, I'm still a little kid inside, asking, "Are we there yet?" Sometimes I shift it to, "Are we almost there?" All the twists and turns in life make me dizzy...but they can be exciting too.
Thank you for your words today.
Thank you Jessica. Sometimes I like to meander with my writing, never knowing where I'm headed, but writing anyway. Thank you for your visit sweet lady. I'm always thrilled to see you here.
Marie, we are definitely on the same wave-length. Am I coming in clear? LOL!
Lovely post, as always, Leah. Enjoy the adventure. :)
Good point. Just like sunsets would have little beauty without stormclouds and airborne dust, life wouldn't be so sweet without the tough things we go through.
Point well taken my dear. You are the sunrise and sunset in the lives of all those who loves you. I hope your path will always lead to love and happiness.
Karen, I do enjoy the adventure. I just hope my boots don't wear out before I get there;)
Debbie, that is so true. The tough times make the sweet times that much sweeter.
Andy, that was so sweet of you to say. I felt like I should spray it all over myself;) Thank you!
This is brilliantly written! So poetic. I can totally relate too... ARE we there yet??
wow, beautiful, thought-provoking post, leah (as always!). it made me reflect on the path i am treading. <3 :-)
Life is but an adventure...and your words hypnotizing.
Dear Leah,
Love the photo! Love the post -- Wise & Poetic!
Love the song, which I had not heard before! Ingrid Michaelson is one of my FAVORITE angels!
In the lyrics she says we become somebody when somebody else loves us. I don't know if that's true. But, for the record, if it is true, YOU are SOMEBODY because I LOVE YOU! XOXOX
And, we all need those mountain-top experiences to inspire us along the path through the valleys. Beautifully detailed and expressed, Leah, as always!
Don't know how I missed this when first you posted; so glad to see this today!
Love and blessings!
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