Lately I’ve been enjoying some company, although I can’t really call them company because these two visit often, and seem more like family. Company requires a certain tour-guidey attentiveness, while these two require little attention, living their separate lives in my guest room down the hall.
I call them Jessie & Jessie—you know, like those law firms with redundant titles like: Shyster Shyster and Lips, and although one of them is an attorney, I only do this because; well—both their names are Jessica.
Life seems to carry them downstream at the most perfect of times and this time was no exception, as I was in the beginning stages of a funk—starting to feel a bit moldy and blue, which makes me sound like an expensive cheese, but mostly it was due to some losses over the past two weeks. So, when the phone rang requesting a room at the Hyatt (no really…that’s the name of my road) I was thrilled with the news that they were coming. I love how life lifts me up when my feet begin to drag.
They’ve been here for about a week now, with no sign of that bad fish stench that often occurs when company overstays their welcome. As a matter of fact we’ve found our rhythm, taking care of business during the day, and then meeting early in the evening for leisurely walks and interesting chitchat, providing an air of ease and camaraderie at the end of my hectic day.
As most of you know I am planning on launching my novel, Cosette’s Tribe, at the end of the month, and I am up to my earlobes in the numerous details of self-publishing. I always thought that writing a book would be the most difficult part of being an author, but now I see that writing is the fun part, and that self-publishing is the mountain in front of me.
Self-publishing encompasses being your own agent, and publisher, and also requires a mammoth amount of technical skills, which, thus far, have been a bit intimidating. Sometimes I find myself grumbling, “I didn’t sign up for this.” When in all actuality I did. I signed up for whatever it takes to get my book out there.
There are times when I haven’t got the slightest idea about what I’m doing. This used to polarize me, but now, I push on and do it anyway, and each day I find that I’m a tad closer to my goal. I guess you could call it stick-to-itiveness and chutzpah, both vital for accomplishing my task.
I see now how life accommodates dreamers by scattering the answers along the new path, luring us off the couch, and patiently waiting as we discover these answers for ourselves. I am full of gratitude for the help and gifts that life has brought to me on this journey. I am fully aware of their value and humbled by the generosity of my friends.
So, in order for me get through this one big push, I’m going to have to completely focus on my goal, therefore my presence online will be minimal for a little while. Please be patient with me, and continue to send all that amazing energy and love my way. Hopefully, by the end of March, my novel will be available to the world, and I will be a published author!
YAY, Leah! Very exciting! Cannot wait to see "Cosette's Tribe" in print.
Marie, I know the feeling of saying it out loud for the first time...like you're boldness lacks certainty, but not because you doubt your abilities, more because life is dubious. Thank you for your support. I'll be here for you when you need me.
Thanks Karen! I may have a few questions for you along the way!
I printed your email out and use it as a check list;)
Visitors that are like family and don't require attention. That sounds like a dream.
I can't imagine the amount of work and effort in launching a book. It sounds daunting. Hope the next few weeks go as smoothly as possible.
Ah, but Leah, you're much more than a dreamer. You're a DOER, my friend!
I'm highly patient. You have all my patience and good thoughts. I'm looking forward to your return here, and all that it will bring!
Now is the time for you to focus, move forward, hold her hand and see Cosette through to the end. Until then, be well, breathe! I'm so excited for you, Leah. :D
Leah...you can't imagine how absolutely thrilled I am by this news! Wrapping my arms around you in the biggest ever embrace. You're amazing.
Way to go, my friend. Way to go!
Just a quick visit to advise you my lovely friend. I’m about to make an announcement on my Blog http://angeljanesworld.blogspot.com/ it’s in connection with an award that's presented to 5 blogs who have less than 200 followers... the aim is to highlight favourite blogs and hopefully bring more traffic.
I’m awarding you ‘The Liebster Award’ for being one of my most favourite blogs and sharing so much interesting stuff with me.
Namaste :)
Thank you so much Cheryl. I'm certainly learning all sorts of new stuff. The company is a much needed distraction from said stuff;)
Jayne, thank you for your presence... you have such a soothing nature. I can actually feel you next to me guiding Cosette along her way.
Thank you Julia! I am so excited. I can't wait to push the "publish" button! I'm already trying to decide how to celebrate once it's done. I think a trip out of town might be in order;)
Sending love and huge hugs!
AngelJane, that is so sweet of you. I am quite honored that you think so highly of me and my big mouth. It's my first international award! It doesn't happen to come with a package of Hobnobs does it? LOL!!
I really am touched by the award and plan on posting it where everyone can see it. Thank you honey pie! Oh, and by the way, I've been wanting to tell you how gorgeous your little girl is. She could melt a glacier with that face!
Leah..how wonderful that you've finished...Wishing you luck with the technicalities of self-publishing! ♥
Sending prayers and energetic thoughts your way, Leah! I will miss seeing your always lovely posts here, but I completely understand.
When I get to working on publishing mine, I'm sure I will have to take a hiatus as well. There just isn't enough time in the day . . .
So proud of you!
Just a little note to say this fellow writer's got your back. Whenever you're ready, just give the green light and the word will be spread. If your blog is any indication of the enjoyment readers are likely to derive from your first book, then you've got a seller. Very best of luck and don't forget, shout for help if you need it.
Thank you Corinne! I'm certain that by the time I'm done publishing my novel I will have learned MANY new things;) I appreciate your support sweet sister.
Martha my dear, I feel your love and prayers. Thank you! I will try to post a few blogs but I probably won't have time for much more. I've got to get this done. I'm so excited!
JP, you are the sweetest. I really appreciate your eagerness to support my project. I'll keep you in the loop my dear. Sending love!
Congratulations Leah. You make us all proud and we are very proud to have you.
Looking forward to the day when you post a picture of you, the book and champagne.
Joy always,
Leah... I am looking forward to your new baby to arrive!!! Now get back to work....
Cheering for you...
I am so with you, Leah. Just about to launch my second book. As I say it's much like having a baby...anticipation, worry, stress, joy and an overwhelming sense of never being quite ready.
Good luck...the best is yet to come!
Susan, I love that visual! Thank you sooo much! I'm thrilled that you're here with me.
Savira, it is a lot like having a baby only luckily I didn't gain any weight with this one;) Thank you for your support <3
Kathy, I love that you said, "The best is yet to come." because that's the song I sing to myself sometimes when I'm overwhelmed. Funny! Yes, it's my baby;) Tell me more about your babies.
We are all here waiting for you to accomplish what you set out to do,my friend.All the best! I am sure you will come out a winner on this one.
Good for you--pushing to get it all done. It's a tough road, but how rewarding when you get to the finish line!
LEAH! I am with you, my sister! I am embarking on the same journey and in the infancy of the moment, I too am wondering if I signed up for this! LOL! I can't wait to see your book in print and to read it. If it's anything like the writing you feature here, we are in store for a raw, rare treat! Blessings to you my dear!
My guest post on digital publishing on The Monice Magazine: http://themonicemagazine.wordpress.com/write-on-wednesday/write-on-wednesday-my-date-with-digital-publishing/
Thank you Rimly! You're such a wonderful cheerleader.
Debbie, I hope there's a finish line! From here I see no end. LOL!!
Yes. Rewarding indeed.
Tameka, give me a hollar if you need any advice. I might be able to actually answer a question or two.
You're going to do amazingly! You're a fabulous writer and an interesting soul. Put those together and what's that spell? WINNER!!
Beautiful Dreamer, we find ourselves 'synchronized' once again! Holding you in my heart through the PUSHING PHASE! Let me know how/when to order my (signed) copy! Thanks! XOXOX
Wow I know for sure this dream will come true soon. You're an inspiration Leah and I'm very proud to have you as friend :) YEY!
We really do parallel one another in many ways. I'm pushing for the end of the month for the release. Praying and pushing!
Melissa, you make me blush. Thank you so much! I'm blessed to have your friendship too!!!
You know I'm one of your biggest fans, chickadee, and I'm so happy for you that you're stepping out in faith and determination to make this publishing goal happen. I know you're going to grow in as yet unimaginable ways! Enjoy the journey, because we both know this is something you were born to accomplish.
Much love to you, dear one. <3
- Dawnie
Dawn, you have such a way of wrapping things up into neat little packages... making complicated things seem so simple. You're right I was born to accomplish this. You really do get me don't you.
Love you Dawnie,
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