I want to congratulate Brooke Meservy, a dear friend and fellow blogger at Bloomtopia for her recent contribution to the Wild Sister magazine. Brooke’s writing cuts through the thick skin of fear and rejection exposing the tender places within. Her words are bold and honest, escorting you to divine destinations where magical discoveries take place: discoveries about who you are, what you love, and where you’re going. This article on "finding one heart" is breathtaking.
Brooke says: “I am honored to be a guest writer in the March issue of Wild Sister. The title of my article is Beyond Imagination: Our Epic Treasure Hunt to Find One Heart
I'm loving the word Epic lately. When you feel as deeply as many of us do on this crazy journey, there is just no other word.
A lot of heart and soul went into writing this article, and in many ways it sums up the big picture for me.
If you don't know this online magazine, you might like to get acquainted with it! It contains very real and inspired writing by many beautiful souls. The colorful art and images are rich food for the senses too!"
Take a trip over to Wild Sister and Bloomtopia and experience first hand the gift of Brooke's writings and many more wonderful articles.
Congratulations Brooke! I’m certain we’ll being seeing your words grace many publications!
On another amazing note, I was thrilled to get up yesterday morning and discover that I had been honored with the Leibster Award by AngleJane at Angeljane’s World It came at a time when I needed a little boost, a push of sorts to remind me why I’m publishing my novel. Thank you sweet AngelJane for thinking of me and honoring my writing with your love and respect. You really made my day!!

For those of you who are not familiar what the word Liebster, it is of German origin and means“Favorite, beloved, dearest”
The honor of accepting the award is traditionally done in the following way:
1. Show thanks to the blogger who awarded you by linking back to their blog.
2. Pick 5 blogs with less than 200 followers and let them know about your nomination by leaving a comment on their blog
3. Post the award on your blog!
So without further ado I hereby pass this honor on to five blogs that are beloved.
To Martha for sharing her wisdom, faith and inspiration. She never tires and is always there to encourage others.
To Rimly Bezbarauh for opening her beautiful heart up to us in poetry and prose.
To Tameka Mullins for embracing her gifts and sharing them. She keeps me on my grammatical toes!
To Alfandi for his keen eye for the lovely and rare, and gift for finding beauty in life’s flaws. His photography and artwork is amazing.
To Cheryl for saving the world from chronic seriousness. Really! Thank you!
Thank you so much, Leah! I'm not sure if I know how to link this, but I will try.
Blessings to you!
Aren't you the sweet one to think of me! I will be honored to accept the award and pass it along. You are the best, my friend.
Dearest Leah! What a surprise to hop on my computer and find all this celebration about my article! Thank you for this gift and for resonating with my words! You made me feel very seen and special! Sending love to you and these other dear ones in my company!
Thanks Leah..
What an honor to be recognized like this! Thanks Leah. You have given me a pleasant homework assignment. I will have no trouble bestowing the honor among such great writers. Peace!
Leah, what an honor to come from a talented writer like you. Thank you my dear friend. You are one of my favorite follower and I always look forward to your ever encouraging comments on my poems.
You're welcome Martha. Don't strain yourself on trying to link stuff ect. I'm a natural born rule breaker. I just wanted to honor you.
Cheryl, I think of you often. You're an amazing writer and person. Besides, I have a feeling that you and I parallel each other.
Keep writing and sharing your humor...Lord knows the world needs it;)
You are welcome...
Your words have been watering my soul for some time now. I find it a sheer delight to be able to honor you. I like spreading good news;)
Tameka, I have a feeling you will be enjoying many awards down the road. I'm so glad that we found each other in this wacky blogosphere!
Keep writing Tameka!
Rimly, I love your words. They are so true blue and aromatic, like jasmine on a breeze. Your heart writes, and it's lovely.
i will check out 'wild sister' -- sounds great!! thanks! XOXOX
Congratulations bella :) and to all of those who were mentioned in this post. I know four of them :) YEY!
Linda, I haven't subscribed yet, but I bought an issue and love it.
Thank you Melissa. We have so many talented people in our tribe! Sending love.
Leah- Congrats on your Liebster! Favorite, beloved, dearest, indeed!
And thanks for the introduction to Wild Sister. I'm on my way to check out the magic... :)
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