This was the first day in a while that I didn’t feel like I was chasing my arse to catch up with my face. Did that even make any sense? LOL!! Okay, you can see by my carefree verbiage that I’m feeling pretty liberated. It’s as though I’m coming out of a tunnel, or off a long plane ride—no! Plane rides are usually fun because they drop me off in exotic places, so I can’t use that one. Okay, it feels like I’ve been in book boot camp and I have finally received my first leave of absence. I know I have to go back, but for now I’m feeling pretty damn free.
Life is good. The sun is shining, I’m picking up Holly at the airport so she and I can eat too much, get too much sun, and talk too much for the next week. Holly’s one of those people who really knows how to enjoy life. She can make eating sardines on a saltine seem like caviar on buttered toast; she just has her own special way of turning up the volume of the remarkable on an ordinary day. For example, I’ll be drinking a cup of black coffee, and then Holly adds a splash of her special stash of exotic coffee creamer to it, turning my once boring brew into a friggen Mardi Gras! Afterwards I discover the empty creamer container in the trash and notice that it was the Wal-Mart brand creamer on sale for .99. Yeah, it was remarkable because it had the Holly factor!
I think I needed a Holly visit right now, what with things going way slower than I had hoped with the book launch (2-8 weeks for the paper/hard editions) and I’m still working, or I should say my designer guru god guy is still working on the cover and files for the e-book. He’s another one who brings tons of magic and wonder to my life with his eye for beauty and his never-ending list of skills. Actually we’re pretty close (we’ve been friends for over 40 years) and I think we’re related. Not biologically, but on a higher level than humanness, because we not only share a brain and a heart, but sometimes I think we share a soul too (is that even possible?). We’re like twins separated by distance but cosmically connected by the universe...and his vintage telephone.

So, today I am preparing for a sort of mini vacation from book Ville, although I know the launch will still be lurking behind each froo-froo drink that I order, and chocolate dainty that I devour, but that can’t be helped any more than writing in my head can be controlled.
This week, even though I’m as broke as a wino on Sunday morning, I intend to be a spring-fling Florida partying chica, seeking out the three-B’s—beauty, beaches, and bargains—with Holly and her fairykins magic! Thank you life!!