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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Run Like Hell!

Humans can be porcupinish in nature. You get too close and their adrenaline kicks in, triggering a panicky spray of barbed quills, homing in on your most vulnerable places, usually the face and eyes.

And why would one place their face so close to a human? Because of love and friendship of course. Because someone has to take the risk, step in deep, show their soul, and because one is willing to believe the best, for the conflict exists only within the mind of the porcupine, who cautiously welcomes you in, keeping the quills slicked-back, until you request some authenticity in return, which is perceived as a massive threat, thus triggering the impulsive attack.

And there it is lying on top. It’s always on top. The oily stain of “that should teach you”. But it rarely does, for the heart is both predatory and pollyanna, risking all for the hunt and the soul softening hug of answered friendship.

Sometimes I want to hide from people, and at other times I want to spray them with some of my own quills, but mostly I just want to love them.

How do you hug a porcupine? Bravely and wholeheartedly, expecting nothing in return, while being prepared to run like hell.

Love bears the scars of trying.

Leah Griffith


Leah Griffith said...

Aw, thanks, Marie. Have you settled in? I'm going to pay a visit to the Kasbah later. See you there!

stephen Hayes said...

I agree with Loerzels. A thought-provoking post to be sure.

Leah Griffith said...

Thank you Stephen, hoping it's not a porcupine provoking post. LOL!

Karen Wojcik Berner said...

"Love bears the scars of trying."

It's sentences like these that have made me a fan of your writing (and wisdom) for life.

Leah Griffith said...

And it's comments like yours, Karen, that make my heart soar. <3

Cperz said...

Your writing is the so full of imagery. Just beautiful, Leah. AND oh so true...aren't we all balancing ourselves between wanting to love wholly but for various reasons, we display our emotions cautiously. Feelings..especially feelings of love can be very fragile.

Leah Griffith said...

We just had our first FB chat, Cheryl. Yay!!! I'm thrilled that we've connected in our real lives. What took us so long? Big big hugs!

Deborah Tisch said...

I dearly love the pictures you paint with your words.

Leah Griffith said...

And I dearly love the pictures you take with cameras, Deborah. <3

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Love comes with pricks and thorns and briers. Just thank God, it comes!
Beautifully expressed here, dear Leah. Just want you to know that whenever your blogs show up, your words are always the frosting on my cake!
Love and blessings!

Leah Griffith said...

Martha, I'm oh so grateful that it comes, even if it's sometimes painful and confusing. I'm glad I provided you some frosting. I hope it was rich and delicious! LOL! Big hugs, dear one <3

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