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Monday, January 30, 2012

There'll be Fireworks Tonight

A rushing red river, currents twisting, raging through my head; speaking in phlegmy android echoes. How strange.

It’s a day better than others, a cream puff by the shore, where little dogs draw crowds, and laughter tips the scales. There’ll be fireworks tonight.

This river flushes through me, cyclic, with primitive beats, redundant.

Forget the river. Eat your cream puff, and flirt with the sun. This day by the salty sea is yours. This place you call home. Where you spend your days spinning gold and your evenings dancing with ghosts.

Thoughts steer the river’s currents, undetermined, for thoughts have hearts, and hearts do fret, and legs run blindly, beset by hearts that jump into rivers and drown.

Will I perish in this river?

Your fate is within you, destiny’s DNA, tainted by time. Yes you will die.

An apple, polished with poison, or perhaps washed with saint’s tears, cleansed for the eating. Will you partake?


Listen to the sea. The river may own your body but the sea is your soul.

There’ll be fireworks tonight, and you know how you love fireworks.


Rimly said...

That was haunting and deep Leah!Yes the sea is our soul.

Ron said...

Leah - This is both beautiful and haunting. The rhythm of verse draws one in. Contemplative to be sure. The argument between soul and conscience and they are different...heart and mind in conflict. A search from within.

Well done!

JANU said...

Just wonderful. Got swept away, yes, I do like fireworks.

Karen Wojcik Berner said...

Absolutely beautiful post, Leah. I wish I could come up with something more than that. My comment pales in comparison to the previous two, but it is a sick day for me (just a cold, more annoyance than anything).

Well done.

Melissa Tandoc said...

The vid gave me an eerie feeling...although I liked Gene Kelly's dance sequence towards the end.

Your writing is deep...I do wish to be free (r)...

Leah Griffith said...

Thank you Rimly <3

Leah Griffith said...

Thank you Ron. Yes, the conflict goes on...
Sometimes I just have to write something different and this was one of those times.

Leah Griffith said...

Janu, I saw the fireworks; it was the tail end of the show when they let off scores of them at once. It was magnificent;)

Leah Griffith said...

Karen, I feel for you lady. Sick sucks. Sending hugs!

Leah Griffith said...

Melissa, I loved the video, although it was a bit dark. But I was feeling a bit dark so it was a perfect pick. The Gene Kelly dance at the end was splendid wasn't it?!

photos by jan said...

I loved this, so true and fits with my thoughts so much of the time. <3

Ms. Faustus said...

This is my and you-know-who's favorite song, that we keep sending to each other back and forth. Mighty powerful.

p.s. we also love Gene Kelly :P


Ms. Faustus said...

Also, those few shots in the video with Daniel Auteuil and Vanessa Paradis, from the movie "La fille sur le pont"... That film is one gorgeous piece of cinematic art. Nothing happens, only everything happens...

Corinne Rodrigues said...

Joy and wonder...then dark thoughts and wondering where it's all going....How well you captured it, Leah! There were fireworks and it was in your writing! ♥

Leah Griffith said...

Chris, I love that film. There's a few scenes in it that continue to stay with me. Now that song... I absolutely love it and am amazed that it even exists. So perfect. Thank you for sending it to me my dear friend and parallel soul surfer.

Leah Griffith said...

Jan, this piece was born of thoughts that were threatening. I had to put them on paper, and speak to them, whittling them down to a useful walking stick. It's amazing how writing can transform things.

Leah Griffith said...

Thank you Corinne. The cream puff was delicious and the fireworks brilliant!

Debbie Maxwell Allen said...

I love fireworks!


Brooke said...

Whew, your words just go ahead and jump right into my body, move with me, and bring me to some unknown destination--but I am really glad I'm there, because somehow it is what it is all about, ya know?

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Wow . . . just wow . . .
Dancing with your words, watching the river flow.
Beautiful, Leah!

JIM said...

Leah this is my favorite of your poems. That might say more about me then it!!! I love cream puffs hmm!!! Really wonderful imagery I love anything with Gene Kelly. Really enjoyed this journey

Jessica said...

Wow..I love how you describe everything...great post!

Unknown said...

Pure joy to find real art, an expression of the soul through imagery created by words - on a blog, no less. You're powerful, Leah, and free as as a soaring bird. I'm sincere when I say I admire your writing tremendously. Nice, nice blog.

Dangerous Linda said...

amazing, magical and wise -- like a witch's potion. i had to read this a few times and i'll probably have to come back and read it again!

Leah Griffith said...

Marie, you are fireworks;) LOL!!

Leah Griffith said...

Brooke, your words do the same for me. Consider this a reciprocal trip.

Leah Griffith said...

Thank you beautiful Martha.

Leah Griffith said...

Jim, thank you and glad you came along for the ride. Cream puffs and fireworks, decadent manna;)

Leah Griffith said...

Thank you Jessica. I enjoy writing these types of posts lately. It's as though I can say everything without having to specifically say anything.

Leah Griffith said...

Ms. JP Lane... you make me blush;)

Leah Griffith said...

Linda my dear dangerous word spinner, thank you. Witch's potion... I love it!

Jayne said...

"Thoughts steer the river’s currents, undetermined, for thoughts have hearts, and hearts do fret, and legs run blindly, beset by hearts that jump into rivers and drown."

Wow, Leah, so poetic. I want to quote the whole dang thing! But, for me, here is the heart of it: "The river may own your body but the sea is your soul." And to think, a celebration of fireworks over that ocean. Just gorgeous, dear Leah.

Leah Griffith said...

Jayne, will you be frequenting any poetry workshops this year?
I'd like to imagine being there with you, penning whispers and unctions, and perhaps eating a cream puff or two;)

Tameka said...

I see a day of contemplation, conflicting thoughts, beauty and pain amidst the salty air. I'm so glad you penned this. I can feel that you were writing outside and as the feelings were taking you over. Fireworks come in so many colors that we have to capture and share them immediately before the show is over. I see you dear Leah. :-)

Lyric Fire: Lace-Fronts and Hymn Books: A Poem About Self-Anointed Truth Talkers

Leah Griffith said...

Tameka, as you know we write as we walk. I know that you see me. I see you as well;)

Healing Morning said...

This post reminds me why I have a Draft awaiting my attention - I need to get that one written! I fell into the rhythm of this, feeling the pull of the scarlet ribbons wrapping around me. Seductive and irresistible, I couldn't stop reading. My breath changed with the cadence of it all. Truly beautiful writing, sister-mine! I was there, walking with you in the maelstrom of thoughts.

With love,


Leah Griffith said...

Dawnie, my sweet soul sister; you're manuscript is calling you. I can hear it;)

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