My muse stares from her holy perch, brooding, and fluttering; signaling me in her urgent, yet hushed way. “Yes, I’m here’” I say; meeting her where the elastic tension of my life expands and experience and emotion collide.
With those gypsy eyes of hers, I knew that we would be doing the tango and not the waltz. But her smile shines so white with sacred purpose, and the endless sea of passion that is her heart, makes it impossible for me to resist her. I love her, and have become accustom to her smoldering mood swings and reflective silences.
She’s a romantic philosopher, an ageless poet, considering the stars, and the scars, creating a sonnet of all that’s trite and true. She speaks with an honesty that’s often embarrassing, but I write it all down anyways, in fear of offending her and chasing her off to search for another channel with which to stir the world’s soul.
She’s collected the precious stones of my journey and examined each one. Fascinated with her discoveries, she gently excavates the underside of my soul…that hidden place where love and fear spoon in conflicted comfort, and my smoky dreams rise like incense in search of her blessing.
We dance in intimate darkness, and in graceful secrecy we conceive our unorthodox and brilliant children, casting them far away from ourselves forever.
We have become one, my moody muse and I, as surely as this moment is one with eternity and creativity is one with God.
your moody muse and you.....bring out the best in each other and delight your readers.
Thank you Janu, I have come to depend on her although sometimes I want to just say, "lighten up!" LOL!!
That was a lovely post. Your phraseology is really nice. I must say, after reading this, I cannot wait to read your novel. When is it coming out?
Good Morning Karen, and thank you for your sweet words. I am still querying agents, I just sent it to an agent in NY, so...who knows. I am not against self-publishing, and I am sort of preparing for that. I guess I don't know when it's coming out. LOL!! Things seem to be changing in the publishing world every day.
So beautiful and well said. You put into words what I feel many times. Thank you.
Thank you Debbie. I believe all writer's share my feelings. Nice to know we are not alone;)
Leah, You and your Moody Muse have such a lovely way of putting things. My Muse is just nasty (dare I say bitchy) most of the time. Lately, she hasn't been speaking to me at all.
That's what I mean Cheryl, if you don't write down what they want they disappear on you. Moody and bull headed;) For somebody whose muse is being silent you sure seem to be done well on your own!
As a photographer there are time I need to chase after my muse.. leave the house and travel. She doesn't always tell me she has gone. This week I hope it is Key West leaving today looking for my natural muse!!!!!
Great post I really love your writing style and wish I was more of a writer!!
Key West! Jim, my muse definately needs to get out more! I am so jealous. Maybe I could introduce my muse to your muse...
This is such a beautiful tribute to your muse Leah.
Thank you Rimly, I do appreciate her;)
I love your moody muse Leah. Mine likes to play hide and seek sometimes. Once, mine took me on a wild goose chase through a novel, and then she disappeared as suddenly as she appeared. Mine was mischievous and mysterious and , yes, moody!
Debra, I would be so mad at my muse if she did that to me! LOL!! Like being mad does any good;)
Leah, I'm so delighted you indulge your muse. Knowing you'd be doing the tango with her, and not the waltz could be fairly intimidating. But you, Leah, you dig your heels in and take a sharp twist to the to the right, and then to the left, all with that very determined look.
I love it! :)
Jayne, I love how you have me digging in and insisting on my way. But...I must admit, she has the lead.
I have more than one muse; the other does the chicken dance and embarresses me all the time.
This was so graceful, and so well-measured. Not a word missing, or a letter over the top.
Don't forget to indulge the chicken-dancing muse either. That's what I love about you.
Chris! Hi;) My chicken dancing muse has alluded me for these past few months...it's the moody muse for now. I'm wondering how to conjure the other one...perhaps an I Love Lucy marathon?
It's so good to see you!
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